Alcoholics Anonymous Has Been Cooperating with the Professional Community Since 1935

Information For Professionals

Since 1935, members of Alcoholics Anonymous have been working with professionals to educate them on what A.A. does and does not do.

We have provided presentations to the following:


Corrections Professionals

  • Police Officers

  • Probation Officers

  • Parole Officers

  • Lawyers

  • Judges

Human Resources Professionals

Medical Professionals

  • Medical school students

  • Nursing staff at hospitals

  • Doctors

Psychologists and Social Workers

Universities and High Schools

  • Guidance counselors

  • Students

And much more

In addition, Alcoholics Anonymous publishes a number of pamphlets and reading material for professionals to learn more about A.A..

Some professionals also ask us supply pamphlets for display in their office for patients or clients to read.